Special Religious Education

It is the responsibility of the Fellowship of Congregational Churches as an approved provider, to recruit, train and authorise SRE teachers. As the 2020 school year commences, all FCC SRE teachers seeking authorisation need to submit to the FCC Office their name, date of birth, WWCC number, portrait photo, name of the school/s in which they will be teaching and the curriculum being used. It is vital that all FCC SRE teachers carry a current (2020) Authorisation Card while they are in the school(s). Each school with an approved FCC SRE Teacher(s) will be given an annual letter clearly identifying the FCC as an approved provider along with the name of authorised teacher(s), date of birth and contact details.

A. Supporting Religious Education in NSW Public Schools

The following websites have a great deal of useful information regarding SRE in schools.


B. Training Opportunities

It is a requirement for all FCC SRE teachers to undertake and complete approved training. This will include ‘child protection’ training, ‘code of conduct’ training and teacher training. Before approval can be given, it is a prerequisite that all FCC SRE Teachers complete ‘Safe Ministry Training’ and the required Modules for teaching SRE in schools. Authorisation will be approved once this training has been completed and a WWCC No has been granted. Once approved, the teacher will be issued with an Authorisation Card along with a letter to be given to the school Principal. The card and the letter are updated annually before the commencement of each school year.

As in past years, the FCC will advertise the date, time and venue for an approved course in its monthly newsletter, “Congregational Communications.”

However, there are many other opportunities for training in 2019, at venues not only in the Sydney Metropolitan Area, but in Regional Centres, that might be more convenient. These are provided by the Anglican Youthworks and Baptist agencies.



C. Curriculum Overviews

Following a survey of FCC SRE teachers, the following two curricula are used:
CEP Connect
The curriculum overview for CEP Connect, Early Stage 1 to Stage 5 can be found at


Godspace provides ‘Three Years at a Glance’ at:


D. FCC Complaint Procedure:

As a result of the ‘2015 Review of Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics,’ it is a requirement for all SRE Providers to have a Complaint Procedure in place.
FCC Complaint Procedure

E. Further Information Available

The following forms are available by contacting the FCC Office at contact@fccaus.org

* Application Form for Leaders

* Enduring Permission Form

* Guidelines

* Ministry Permission Form

* Off-Site Youth or Children’s Ministry Activities

* Risk of Significant Harm Report

* Safe Ministry Incident Report

* Safe Ministry  Representative Form

* Safety Plan for Offenders

* Sample Questions for Referee Checks

* Sample Volunteers Job Description

* Screening Policy

* Social Contact Policy

* The Safe Ministry Representative

* Transport Policy

* Under 18 Declaration